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Cycle Rally - Planet Vs Plastic
  • Event Date: 07-May-2024
  • Updated On: 07-May-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 6
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Description: The streets of Phase XI, Mohali resonated with the rhythmic hum of the bicycle wheels as young cyclists from Classes IX and X participated in a dynamic cycle rally on the theme, “Planet versus plastic”. The enthusiastic cyclists adorned with colourful banners, catchy slogans and accompanied by their worthy teachers embarked on a spirited journey through the early morning Phase-XI streets advocating a common cause - to rid the planet of plastic. The event served a poignant reminder of the urgent need to combat plastic pollution and embrace sustainable living. The Rally cry, “Clean India, Green India, Say No to Plastic,” echoed a stirring display of solidarity and commitment to a plastic free future. The school principal, Sr Vanitha Veena congratulated the participants, appreciated their efforts and advised them to spread the message of adopting eco-friendly alternatives among all and usher in a greener and a more sustainable era.
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